Saturday, July 20, 2013

Snake River Canyon

Notice the kayaks in the river. It gives a sense of the scale of the canyon. You can also see one of the falls just barely in the upper left hand corner. A zoomed in shot of the falls is below.

I am not sure if the water fall in the distance is one of the twin falls that gives the town its name.

Twin Falls is the nearest city that has a Costco and a Target, so Stephen and I went on a run to buy diapers and other items needed for Hux and items Stephen needed before returning to Doha, Qatar. As we arrived in Twin Falls we crossed over the Snake River Canyon and so took a few minutes to view the site. It's a pretty impressive canyon and bridge. Some have been known to jump from the bridge to the river below.

We didn't find the kind of diapers Katherine wanted for Hux, but we found a lot of other things and enjoyed seeing a bit more of Idaho country, 

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