Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Huxley - Week Two

Trying out the Moby baby wrap

Huxley's second week has been full of social engagements. One of his first outings was to the bike race at Warm Springs. Here he got his first exposure to the bike culture of Ketchum. 

Then later in the week his family members started to arrive. Uncle David and Aunt Kati arrived on July 4. Pop Pop arrived Friday and then Great Uncle John and Great Aunt Marilyn arrived later that day. On Saturday morning we all got up early and drove up to Stanley to have breakfast at the Stanley Bakery. Katherine has been craving their oatmeal pancakes and she finally go to have some Saturday morning. Then we all went to Redfish Lake for a July 4th weekend celebration. 

David and Kati meet Hux

Pop Pop meets Hux
It was a beautiful morning and a great breakfast. Hux is in his carrier just outside of the picture frame.

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