Saturday, July 27, 2013

Like father like son

One night this past week, Katherine joined her book club to discuss a book she hasn't yet had time to read. So, Gabe and I were left at home to take care of Hux and try to keep him happy for a few hours. Gabe's first strategy was to turn the reggae station on the TV and place Hux in his Mamaroo dancing chair. It worked. With Dad singing and dancing along with the song, it's clear that Hux will be a reggae fan just like his Dad.

On another day this week, we decided to see if Hux could fit into the plush ski boots someone gave him as a gift. They were a bit of a tight squeeze to get them on, but once we did Hux got into motion. In this picture, it looks like he has his ski poles in hand and is ready for the slopes.

Baths and Kisses

We think Hux likes bath time, but it is especially clear that he likes the kisses and hugs that come along with the toweling off. 

This is one of my favorite pictures. 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Hux is how big?

When you are with a baby every day, it is hard to recognize how much he has grown in a month. But the other day, I tried to dress him in an outfit that he wore the first week, and it was way too small. The outfit comes with a hat, so here are some pictures of Hux in the hat the first week home and another taken this week.

We thought it was time to take a few family portraits too. I tried to get one with Hux smiling. He has such a  cute smile. But at least I got one with his bright eyes facing the camera.

One of the challenges these days is to get Hux to be happy when he is not being held. Of course, with me around, eager to hold him at every available moment, it is hard to go through the training process of letting him fuss a bit. He has a hard time falling asleep and seems to really need to find his thumb so he can sooth himself with sucking a finger or his fist (which he keeps putting in his mouth). Katherine has also been considering the pros and cons of giving him a pacifier. I looked for one at the pharmacy today, but they are completely sold out. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

My view of Idaho

From my window where I am staying, I have this lovely view of the mountains. It is eastward facing, so the sunrises have also been pretty. Stephen took the following picture one morning.

There is a grassy lot next to our building, so this deer spent some time grazing there one afternoon.

Recently some of my neighbors put up two bird feeders, one for hummingbirds, so I have enjoyed watching the hummingbirds at the feeder. I think I am seeing Rufous and Broad-tailed hummingbirds.

Saying bye to Pop Pop

Before Stephen left to return to Doha, we had a few pictures made with both of us. It is amazing to me how quickly Hux's facial expressions can change.

It was hard to say good bye to Stephen for another three or four months. Next time we all plan to be together is Thanksgiving in Florida. 

Hux becomes official

Huxley received his first piece of mail last week. It was fun to see his name in print, and of course, now he has a Social Security number. 

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Snake River Canyon

Notice the kayaks in the river. It gives a sense of the scale of the canyon. You can also see one of the falls just barely in the upper left hand corner. A zoomed in shot of the falls is below.

I am not sure if the water fall in the distance is one of the twin falls that gives the town its name.

Twin Falls is the nearest city that has a Costco and a Target, so Stephen and I went on a run to buy diapers and other items needed for Hux and items Stephen needed before returning to Doha, Qatar. As we arrived in Twin Falls we crossed over the Snake River Canyon and so took a few minutes to view the site. It's a pretty impressive canyon and bridge. Some have been known to jump from the bridge to the river below.

We didn't find the kind of diapers Katherine wanted for Hux, but we found a lot of other things and enjoyed seeing a bit more of Idaho country, 

Hikes and other adventures

We took Hux on a hike on Clear Creek Trail. He was enjoying it, but then started to fuss so we figured he might be hot. We got him out of the carrier and got him into the cool of the shade and he seemed happier.

Pop Pop was able to visit for a few more days, so he spent as much time as he could holding Huxley.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

The many faces of Hux

On any given day, Huxley can go from this facial expression

to this

to this

To this - all in a matter of minutes.


Saturdays at Grumpy's in Dad's arms are pretty special. 
Gabe - baby in one hand, a beer in the other. 
Now this is living.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A message for Huxley

Huxley, by the time you can read this for yourself, you will already know what a great place your parents chose to live and to bring you into this world. I want you to know how much the rest of your family enjoys coming to Idaho to visit. This part of the country is so beautiful, some of the pictures seem unreal. Also, on this trip, some of us got to see some Mountain Bluebirds. I hope there are still many bluebirds in the world when you are older, but according to many environmentalists, the bluebirds of every variety - Eastern, Western and Mountain, are in trouble. We have been coming to Idaho to see your Mom and Dad for eight years now, and this was the first time we got to see the Mountain Bluebirds. We also have seen lots of Tree Swallows, which are also beautiful to watch. On the last day that Great Uncle John and Great Aunt Marilyn were here, we took the gondola up to the Roundhouse Restaurant and then took the chair lift up to the top of Baldy. Here are some of the beautiful sites we saw.

This view is so beautiful, it hardly seems real. 

When the bird is in flight, more of the blue plumage of the Mountain Bluebird is visible

When these birds flutter through the air, more of the metallic blue-green is visible

We love the time we spend together in Idaho.

Holding Huxley

With Dad, after our big dinner out
Great Aunt Marilyn got to hold Hux this time.

The next day Pop Pop and Hux were color coordinated.

Every once in awhile, Hux is wide awake. 

Family Closeups

While we were at the Big Wood Grill, we had some great chances to take lots of pictures.

Pop Pop and Uncle David
John and Marilyn
David and Kati

Mom and Dad
Pop Pop and Granny Sweet P. 
And everyone together.