Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Were you born yesterday?

Mom and baby on birthday.

Katherine with Hux, one day old
Hux, were you born yesterday? That has been the running joke today since all Hux really wants to do is sleep. He is happiest in either Gabe's or Katherine's arms. Hux is a very mellow guy. He likes to sleep so much that Katherine has to tickle his feet or put a cold wash cloth on his tummy to wake him up enough to feed him. The nurses and doctor said that he should eat at least every three hours, but Hux apparently has his own schedule in mind.  He likes to have his hands up around his face too, so it is a bit of a challenge to find a feeding position that he likes. But today Katherine had him face the food source directly, and he had both hands up and on her skin, so in this position our little guy seemed to develop an appreciation for another great pleasure in life - eating.

Gabe and Katherine's friends, Kat and Brad have a baby girl Georgia Beatrice, who was born June 9.  They all came over to visit Gabe and Katherine last week, and it was then that the "were you born yesterday?" jokes were shared.  Kat, remembering how nice it was when friends brought them food to the hospital,  brought lunch today and told Hux she had a girlfriend waiting for him. Massey and Olin came to visit today too and brought a beautiful hydrangea to celebrate Hux's arrival. Kathy Carson also sent a beautiful bouquet with sunflowers. Katherine and Gabe are certainly rich in friendships.

Massey meets Hux

I also got to hold Huxley Stephen today for the second time. I held him yesterday while Katherine and Gabe ate their dinner. But today they had their hands free, so I got Katherine to take the first of what I hope will be many pictures taken of Hux and me together doing fun things. I can't wait to read him a story.

Hux with his Granny Sweet P. 

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