Monday, June 24, 2013

Welcome to the world, Huxley Stephen Schroder

June 24, 2013

Huxley Stephen Schroder

At 12:37 PM, baby Huxley was born. We arrived at the hospital at around 7 AM, the doctor broke Katherine's water around 8:30 AM, and Katherine took two walks around the hospital trying to get things rolling.  Around 10:30, contractions got pretty intense, but Katherine and Gabe were well prepared and I was able to help some too. Katherine had previously decided to go without an epidural. The Doctor told her she was getting close and she started to push. She pushed for awhile, but honestly I don't know how long. Gabe and I were positioned on either side of Katherine and helped her bear down by holding on to her legs and propping her up behind each shoulder. I was so delighted to be able to help her so directly.

The baby came out with a healthy cry and pink color. He weighs 7 lbs. 12 oz. and is 19 inches long. We all agree his fingers are long and he likes to keep his hands up around his face.

Here are a few more pictures of the baby and proud parents.

One of Dad's first tasks is texting family and friends. 

Katherine's labor was a total of four hours. No wonder they all look so  wonderful.
I called Grandpa Stephen in Doha and woke him up to tell him about his grandson and namesake. Then I talked to David and others in the family. Gabe called his Mom, Dad and brother too. From Denver to Doha  from Orlando to Atlanta, everyone was so happy to hear the news of this little guy's safe delivery into this world.

1 comment:

  1. "Beautiful". It's the one word that keeps coming to mind and "happy". Life is good.
